Monday, June 28, 2010


Last night was a momentous occasion for our little family. Marshall slept through the night! Hooray! He went to bed at about 8 p.m. last night and woke up at 7:30 a.m. Awesome!
Matt and I worked long and hard this weekend taking Marshall off of the bottle. He really relied on it to get to sleep, and back to sleep in the middle of the night. (We were giving him about 5 or 6 bottles a night!)
It was a rough weekend. Friday night he cried a lot, but Saturday night he cried even more. He cried from 11:00-1:30 straight. There was nothing we could do. He just wanted his "baba." We felt horrible, but knew it would pay off if we stuck to it. Before going to bed last night I was so worried that it would be another long night of tears. I wasn't sure I could handle another night. I kept waking up hour after hour thinking "I'm surprised he hasn't got up yet." When I left this morning to my surprise he was still sound asleep.
It has been over a year and a half since I've gotten a full nights sleep. I sure hope this continues, and wasn't just a fluke. Either way I'm very proud of my little man. He is getting so big!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Marshall is a little fish! Uncle Mitch and Aunt Linsey have had us over to swim at their new condo a couple of times. You would think he would cry or get cold and want to get out but not this kid! He could swim for hours.

Trouble Maker

One day Marshall couldn't crawl... the next he was in to everything. Here was his first big mess after learning to crawl. He is so speedy. I looked away for 10 seconds max! And YES that is dog food in his mouth. AWESOME!

Marshall's First Easter

Yes I know Easter was months ago, but I lost my camera cord and just got a new one, so they are just going up! Marshall was very confused Easter morning when he was getting a basket full of cool new things. The Easter Bunny brought him some snacks, a tigger stuffed animal, a toy stuffed animal, and clothes. He loved throwing the eggs the most though.